3 months yesterday (bad me for forgetting) we had that awful news Dizzy has a tumour and we believe it likely to be cancer so we agreed straight away to have her leg amputated. I still remember the feeling the beating of my heart in my chest, the worry the guilt the questioning of if we made the right choice.
Well chemo is also finished this one hit her a bit harder but she’s doing good.
We had a great walk around the lake today she loves it there it was a bit warm for the beach. Its the longest walk she has had since her surgery but we took it slowly and went at her pace sat down for a rest but she had other ideas and resting was not really on her agenda. The other 2 dogs had such a good time with us and Dizzy was just happy from the minute she got out of ther car all the way round. We bought an ice cream and sat to eat it with some for Dizzy but being the picky saluki princess she is she doesn’t eat outside, so she laid and had a rest while Jasper and Candy (mums dog) had her share of the ice cream but she just wasn’t bothered she was too busy being happy.
As we are having duck for our dinner tonight I think there may be a bit left over for her and some how I don’t think she will turn it down.
days like today just reinforce the fact that we did the right thing