2 down 2 to go

Dizzy had her second chemo yesterday and I have little to report it’s much the same as last time, not interested in food and sleepy. She seems warm but not panting or anything.

I came home from work today to such a waggy bouncy girl. We have had a little walk around the block and she kicked off at a cat so no change there

2nd chemo tomorrow

Dizzy will be spending the morning at the vets tomorrow having her second chemo session. She’s not great at the vets but for us it is worth the trauma. We are expecting her to react the same way as last time off her food and sleepy and we can cope with that. Today she is enjoying some steak for dinner and the last 10 days she has put on a tiny bit of weight so she looks perfect so a few days off food shouldn’t effect her too much. This time we know what to expect.

I feel more positive and she seems good


white cells down

the bloods came back and her white cell count is down after the first chemo but not too much to prevent her having the second session next week. It just means she may have to have the treatments spread a bit further apart.

But on the plus side today we had a great day cancer or no cancer she was smiling on our walk. We went to the lake where we haven’t been for ages and she had a run around stood by the lake and caught the breeze that was blowing, I only wish i’d had my camera i want to remember it forever she looked so beautiful and happy. Managed to stop her rolling in the smelly stuff she had found and she just had so much mischief about her she was winding the other 2 dogs up wanting to play. A seriously fab day

Dizzy is off to the vets tomorrow

To have a blood test to make sure she is doing well enough for her second chemo session. She is doing ok most of the time but it it is so hot here she’s very sleepy. She is still being a picky eater but i don’t think its because she has no appetite I think she just wants me running around after her cooking her eats and human food. I think I forget that even before amputation Dizzy could be very lazy especially in the hot weather

I know i shouldn’t say it but I’m worried that we didn’t get to the tumour in time even though the x ray of her chest was clear i just have a feeling and i had a feeling she had cancer before it was even an idea in the vets head. That statement is out there now so maybe I will feel better for just having expressed it.

such a nice day

Miss Dizzy had such a nice day today. The weather was kind to us for our walk cool and dry the heat is not good for her. She was able to walk around no lead she had a sprint at bark at some running dogs and she managed to roll in something smelly TWICE and the look on her face was priceless. For the rest of today she has lounged around on the sofa sleepy but very content.

Days like today reinforce the fact that amputation was a good decision

Her appetite is slowly coming back we have changed her food to a higher quality food she has a vet appointment monday to do a blood test to make sure she can have her second chemo session. At her appointment I intend to ask the vet what supplements they recommend

Fussy eater

It’s been just over a week since the first chemo session for Dizzy and she seems ok in herself still being fussy when it comes to eating. She is a skinny dog as it is and loosing weight wouldn’t be a good thing for her. If I cook her some meat and put that in her dinner she’ll eat the meat and leave the rest little madam that she is but even then she doesn’t eat as much as she used to.

I really need to look into some healthy food options of her but being in the UK things seem harder to get.

She wants to go for a walk most days and when its not too hot she copes fine, the problem is we have 2 other dogs and she finds it easier to walk fast and the other 2 want to keep stopping for a sniff it just makes walks more difficult. I am very glad that she wants to go for a walk though and if it means i have to go on 2 walks so they get what they all need then that is what I will do

getting back to her old self

last night was the first time for a few weeks that Dizzy decided to sleep on the bed with me and she just cuddled up all night she found herself a new freind on our walk and she just kept waiting for him the whole way round the lake. each day she seems to get more confident my heart wells up whenever she wags her tail. Last night she gave me a special little smile. She is still being a picky madam with her food but sometimes even before cancer she could be like it.

Post 1st chemo

Dizzy had her first chemo a couple of days ago and so far she is ok. Not much of an appetite and sleepy but she has manged a walk today so she can’t be feeling too bad. I of course am still worried about what if it spread what if the chemo doesn’t give her long I know I should be thinking she is happy and having nice time and seems to be pain free.




Chemo starts tomorrow

The beautiful 3 legged Dizzy has done so well.

Last week she managed a nights camping and a day at a dog show, she had a run around with some of the dogs and also did her play police act, trying to keep all the dogs in check when she thought they were getting too boisterous.  Everyone at the dog show thought she was amazing.

She comes on walks most days with the other two she get tired quite quickly but hoping on 3 legs is obviously more energy consuming than walking on 4 legs.  We have had no cries of pain for a while now so that seems like a good thing. Every now and again she seems to look at her stump with a quizzical look on her face.

Tomorrow she is off to the vets for her first chemo session even though the xray didn’t show that the cancer had spread.  A very wise lady  I know who runs a dog rescue said we should get her chemo so we are getting her chemo to give her the very best chance possible. So tomorrow she will be going back to the vets and if her blood counts are ok she will start her chemo. We have come so far I hope it doesn’t make her feel too bad.


Post op thoughts

So miss Dizzy being a highly strung saluki cross wouldn’t eat in the vets and worried because she is terrified of the vets, so I spent the first day after her op worried, hardly slept a wink I just wanted my girl home. I went off to work as normal hoping the vets would ring and say she can come home today, well that phone call came and my now 3 legged beautiful girl came home a few  hours later.

She was so out of it from the anethetic and the pain med and she just looked bewildered i just wanted to cry everytime I looked at her, did we really do the right thing.  And OMG when she cried out in pain it was like a knife through my heart.

The first few days were so stressful for me and for her learning to balance and cope, the other 2 dogs in the house seemed to just know she needed her space.

After 4 days she could manage to get up the stairs alone and a couple of days later she managed to get down too.  She began to want to come for a walk with the other 2 though to begin with she didn’t manage to walk far.

10 days post op the stitches were taken out and she wasn’t far from her normal self and able to do pretty much everything she could before.

The more she wagged her tail and ran around the more I thought we did the right thing and the guilt started to subside.

People stare at us when we go for a walk but hey I have a dog with 3 legs and you know what she is awesome and beautiful and amazing.